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Noel Brady wins 'Best Director ' for 'True-D' at the 'lIT Film Festival Limerick'

'True-D' a short film by Noel Brady has just won it's second award at the 'LIT Film Festival Limerick', this time picking up 'Best Director' for Noel Brady. This makes for the second win for 'True-D' having picked up 'Best Irish Short' at the 'Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival' last November which was held in the ‘Sugar Club’.

Noel Brady wraps on TV pilot 'Ghostriders'

Coupled with this great news for ‘True-D’. Noel has just wrapped on his new TV pilot/demo 'Ghostriders'. Starring Pat Nolan and Dave Duffy of 'Fair City' fame. The show follows two motorcyclists (Duffy and Nolan) as they travel around Ireland visiting haunted places. On arrival they meet a local expert (performed by Gerry Wade in the pilot) who tells them the story of how the respective venue came to be haunted. The aim of the show is to make it more about history and less about trying to catch ghosts on camera. It will also feature the vast beauty of this country, highlighting in each episode the various locations.





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